Creating environments
Examples can be found in the `urdfenvs/examples<>`_ folder you will find individual examples for all implemented robots. Environments can be created using the normal gym syntax. Gym environments rely mostly on three functions
to create the environment,gym.reset(...)
to reset the environment,gym.step(action)
to step one time step in the environment.
For example, in examples/, you
can find the following syntax to make
, reset
and step
the environment.
env = gym.make('pointRobotUrdf-vel-v0', dt=0.05, render=True)
ob = env.reset(pos=pos0, vel=vel0)
ob, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
The id-tag in the make
command specifies the robot and the control type.
You can get a full list of all available environments using
from gym import envs
Go ahead and explore all the examples you can find there.
Environments can be created using the normal gym syntax. For example the below code line creates a toy robot with 3 links. Actions are velocities to the individual joints.
env = gym.make('nLink-urdf-reacher-vel-v0', n=3, dt=0.01, render=True)
A holonomic and a differential drive mobile manipulator are implemented:
env = gym.make('albert-reacher-vel-v0', dt=0.01, render=True)
env = gym.make('mobile-reacher-tor-v0', dt=0.01, render=True)
For most robots, different control interfaces are available, velocity control, acceleration control and torque control.