Adding elements to the environment
To add a wall use:
env.add_walls(dim, poses_2d)
dim: numpy.ndarray or list | (optional) dim, short for dimensions if given dim must | be of length 3 corresponding to [width, length, height].
poses_2d: [np.ndarray, …] or [list, …]
(optional) if given poses_2d must be a list with lists or numpy arrays of length 3
correspond to [x_position, y_position, orientation] which refers to walls centers of mass.
The height of the center of mass will be adjusted such that the bottom of the wall
aligns with the ground plane. multiple walls can be placed
by having multiple pose_2d in poses_2d.
To add a shape use:
env.add_shapes(shape_type, dim, mass, poses_2d, place_height)
shape_type: str
(required) the 4 options available are:
dim: numpy array of list
(optional), if dimensions is specified the length dependents on the shape_type:
GEOM_SPHERE, dim=[radius],
GEOM_BOX, dim=[width, length, height],
GEOM_CYLINDER, dim=[radius, length],
GEOM_CAPSULE, dim=[radius, length],
mass: int or float
(optional) mass refers to the objects mass, which in uniformly distributed.
poses_2d: [np.ndarray, …] or [list, …]
(optional) if specified poses_2d must be a list containing lists or numpy arrays of length 3
correspond to [x_position, y_position, orientation] indicates the shapes center of mass.
multiple walls can be placed by having multiple pose_2d in poses_2d.
place_height: int or float
(optional) if specified it refers to the z_position of the center of mass
if not specified, the shape will be placed such that the shapes bottom
aligns with the ground plane.
URDF files
A robot can be given a lidar or obstacle sensor by creating a sensor object and passing it to the environment:
sensor = ObstacleSensor()
The observations from the sensor are returned by the env.step(action)
The structure of the observation varies depending on the sensor and its arguments
for more info see the Sensor class and subclasses located at urdfenvs/sensors/