Source code for mpscenes.goals.goal_composition

from typing import List, Dict

import yaml
import numpy as np
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

from mpscenes.common.errors import MultiplePrimeGoalsError
from mpscenes.common.component import MPComponent
from mpscenes.goals.sub_goal import SubGoal
from mpscenes.goals.sub_goal_creator import SubGoalCreator

[docs]class GoalComposition(MPComponent): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "content_dict" in kwargs and "name" in kwargs: self._content_dict = kwargs.get("content_dict") self._name = kwargs.get("name") elif "file_name" in kwargs: with open(kwargs.get("file_name"), "r") as stream: self._content_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream) self._name = self._content_dict["name"] del self._content_dict["name"] self._config = OmegaConf.create(self._content_dict) self._primary_goal_index = -1 self._sub_goals = [] self._sub_goal_creator = SubGoalCreator() self.parse_sub_goals()
[docs] def parse_sub_goals(self) -> None: """ Parse and create sub-goals based on the configuration. Iterates through the sub-goal configurations in the internal configuration dictionary and creates sub-goals using the specified types and parameters. The created sub-goals are stored in the `_sub_goals` list. If a sub-goal is marked as a primary goal, it sets the `_primary_goal_index` accordingly. Raises ------ MultiplePrimeGoalsError If more than one sub-goal is marked as a primary goal. """ for sub_goal_name in self._config.keys(): sub_goal_type = self._config[sub_goal_name].type sub_goal_dict = self._config[sub_goal_name] sub_goal = self._sub_goal_creator.create_sub_goal( sub_goal_type, sub_goal_name, sub_goal_dict ) if sub_goal.is_primary_goal(): if self._primary_goal_index >= 0: raise MultiplePrimeGoalsError( "There are multiple prime goals. Using first prime goal" ) else: self._primary_goal_index = len(self._sub_goals) self._sub_goals.append(sub_goal)
[docs] def primary_goal(self) -> SubGoal: """Get primary goal of goal composition.""" return self.get_goal_by_index(self._primary_goal_index)
[docs] def sub_goals(self) -> List[SubGoal]: """Get list of all subgoals.""" return self._sub_goals
[docs] def get_goal_by_name(self, name: str) -> SubGoal: """Get subgoal by name.""" for sub_goal in self._sub_goals: if == name: return sub_goal
[docs] def get_goal_by_index(self, index: int) -> SubGoal: """Get subgoal by index.""" return self._sub_goals[index]
[docs] def evaluate(self, **kwargs) -> List[List[np.ndarray]]: """ Evaluates all subgoals and returns them as a list. Evaluations containts position, velocity and acceleration. """ evals = [] for sub_goal in self._sub_goals: evals += sub_goal.evaluate(**kwargs) return evals
[docs] def dict(self) -> Dict[str, dict]: composition_dict = {} for sub_goal in self._sub_goals: composition_dict[] = sub_goal.dict() return composition_dict
[docs] def shuffle(self) -> None: for sub_goal in self._sub_goals: sub_goal.shuffle()